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Water and Sewerage GM testifies in Gibson trial

In the ongoing trial of Adrian Gibson, General Manager of the Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC), Robert Deal returned to the witness stand for further examination.

Under cross-examination by defense attorney Damian Gomez, Deal confirmed his role in day-to-day operations, acknowledging that the WSC Act allows him to delegate tasks to subordinates.

Gomez pressed on potential conflicts between internal policies and the Act, to which Deal responded that he would seek legal counsel for guidance.

Deal also affirmed the board's structure, confirming it consists of six members, including Gibson, and noted that decisions can be made or rescinded swiftly.

Deal told the court that a quorum is made up of three members, including the chairman or deputy chairman. Therefore no one person can make decisions.

He stated that the minister overseeing the corporation could issue instructions, ideally in writing, to be followed.

While Deal admitted to not attending all board meetings, he expressed an expectation to be informed of policy changes.

The trial is set to resume on Monday.

Gibson faces charges linked to the award of contracts during his tenure as WSC executive chairman under the Minnis administration.

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