Parents of students attending Preston Albury High School on Eleuthera are frantic after the school’s administration abruptly suspended face-to-face learning.
The announcement comes amid reports that two students were sent home on Friday after displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
“Please be advised that as of Monday, March 22, 2021, all classes will return to the virtual mode of education until further notice,” the school announced in a letter to parents on Friday.
The school provided no explanation for the abrupt return to virtual lessons, raising questions about a possible COVID-19 outbreak on campus.
It is unclear when face-to-face learning will resume. However, the Gallery understands the two students with possible COVID-19 symptoms will be tested for the virus and the school administration is awaiting the results.
We’re told the school is trying to keep the matter under wraps to prevent parents from panicking but parents say they have a right to know what is going on to ensure their children’s safety.
Thousands of public school students returned to classrooms in February, nearly a year after schools across the Bahamas were shut down.
The decision was made to close public and private schools in March 2020 after the first case of coronavirus was confirmed in the country.