UPDATE: The Gallery has received word that Ft. Charlotte police station has also been shut down as some officers there are also suspected of having COVID-19.

The Criminal Records Office of the Royal Bahamas Police Force was shut down early today after one police officer tested positive for COVID-19.
The officer learned he was infected with the virus two days ago, prompting his colleagues to plead with the officer in charge of CRO to close down the office on Thompson Boulevard to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
However, the officer refused, putting other officers and members of the public visiting the office to request and pick up criminal records at risk.
Now, six other police officers in that department are displaying COVID-19 symptoms and are awaiting testing. The prospect of an additional six police officers being infected finally motivated the officer in charge to temporarily close down the office today.
The Gallery was informed that about 20 police officers work in that department.
Has the police force notified members of the public who visited CRO during the period the officer tested positive that they may have been exposed to a positive case?
As a growing number of police officers test positive for COVID-19, why is the senior command of the police force being silent? Why wait until other officers begin showing symptoms to take action?
Are there other areas of the RBPF where officers are testing positive but the Commissioner has not disclosed this information?
The Commissioner must speak up on this matter and the number of infected officers on Grand Bahama in the interest of public safety.