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Aloe Recipes!

Gallery Staff

Updated: Nov 17, 2020

Grammy, you were right. Aloe is good for me. No doubt, you traumatized me. Being forced to consume aloe is a horrific experience for a five-year-old but I know it was out of love.

My grammy forced aloe down my throat for years. I am ready to tell my story....

If you do not know what Aloe Vera is, you must be living under a rock. Aloe is a short-stemmed shrub. It is found mostly in North Africa. Its uses date all the way back to Ancient Egypt. As we enter a very health-conscious era, the aloe plant has garnered a lot of popularity once again because of its healing properties.

Over the years, Aloe has become my go-to product for everything.

Skin looking dim? Aloe

Cut your leg walking past a bush? Aloe Hunny

Sunburn? Aloe.

Cold on your chest? Aloe does the trick.

Hair growth stunted? Aloe!!!!

Here are some of the ways, I prepare my aloe for consumption.


Aloe for your skin

Aloe Vera is said to be the plant of immortality. It is insanely good for your skin. Aloe moisturizes, reduces wrinkles, soothes burns, and has antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties.

With these benefits, this plant is nature's face mask. Here's my favorite recipe for a good facial.

1 tablespoon aloe vera

1 tablespoon turmeric

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar.

I recommend this facial at least once a week. Although the ingredients in this recipe are full of helpful proprieties. This may not be best on a sensitive person's skin.

My sensitive skin alternative.

1 tablespoon aloe vera

1 tablespoon raw honey

2 teaspoons rose water

My personal favorite would be

Aloe Vera and Coffee Scrub

2 tablespoons aloe vera

2 tablespoons ground coffee

1/2 coconut oil

Nothing soothes the skin like a good scrub.

Aloe Promotes Hair Growth and Strength

A good friend of mine lost a significant amount of her hair on her hairline from a very tight hairstyle. Her scalp never recovered and she was left with a permanent bald spot.

She began using aloe on her hair and weeks later, her scalp began sprouting hair.

its been 6 months now and the bald spot is completely gone.

It's a simple procedure.

Gather a significant amount of aloe gel and rub it on the desired spots daily preferably in the morning. In the evening, wash it off then repeat.

Aloe can also be used as a hair mask.

Gather a great amount of aloe gel. You can stretch it with your favorite oil. Keep the mixture on your head for 30 minutes then wash off.

My personal deep aloe treatment has no name. Its a mixture of my favorite products.

1/4 ripe avocado

1 egg

3 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

1/2 cup aloe gel

Apply generously through hair. Keep on for 30 minutes then wash.

Aloe On Minor Burns

Let's not pretend we don't know that cutting a piece of aloe and placing it on a burn wasn't always the go-to Bahamian thing.

Aloe helps speed up the process of healing while also providing great pain relief. For those with fairer skin, aloe always soothes sunburn.

  1. Cut a slab of aloe,

  2. Remove the skin on one side

  3. Place the jelly side on the burn, secure with saran, or plastic wrap.

  4. Leave on for 15 minutes or longer, then remove

However, if you are treating a severe burn, it would be best to contact a doctor.

Aloe for Anal Fissure

For those of you who suffer from the occasional anal fissure, aloe is exactly what you need.

As stated before, aloe heals. It is nature's medicine.

Applying aloe vera to the area would prove to be very beneficial.

I would suggest using a woman's pantyliner, putting a generous amount of aloe on it and placing it right on the affected area. The liner would assist with keeping the gel in place.

Drinking Aloe

We knew it would eventually come to this. Aloe is even more effective inside your body than it is outside.

Aloe promotes aliments that may occur in your digestive tract. If you need a good pass, drink aloe. Aloe is also said to help with the following

  • Heart Burn- especially those who suffer from GERD Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Drink right before dinner for the best results

  • Lowering Your Blood Sugar- it is said consuming two teaspoons of aloe juice per day can aide in low blood sugar.

Persons on diabetic medicine should not consume aloe unless speaking with your doctor first. Aloe and your diabetic medicine can lower your blood to extreme levels.

It's no secret that aloe smells and taste scornful. It may even be the worst of all bush medicine because it has a thick consistency that coats the back of your throat. We know that we all stood around the counter and were forced to eat raw aloe. Thankfully, it's not so bad with new recipes.

My go-to is

Aloe and Orange Juice

  1. Cut the jelly out of the aloe plant.

  2. blend to get a liquid consistency

  3. add orange juice

Despite popular belief in the Bahamas, aloe is not for everyone.

You should not consume aloe if you have:

  • stomach ulcers

  • kidney conditions

  • hemorrhoids

  • on diabetic medicine

Let's start using nature to heal us. I hope this was a blessing

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